Friday 10 September 2021

Carrier Strike Group 21: The Republic Of Korea

HMS Queen Elizabeth says "Hello Korea" in Hangul
As Her Majesty's Ship Queen Elizabeth approached the Republic of Korea she charmingly published a greeting in the local Hangul script.
HMS Queen Elizabeth displays her Indian sailor
However,she did not display a sailor of local ethnic origin,as she did with Jagjeet Singh Grewal in India (it is not clear if he has received an apology for being racially exploited),after decades of budget cuts the Royal Navy may not have enough Koreans to issue every vessel with one.
HMS Queen Elizabeth puts on a heterophobic display
When she arrived in South Korea,her officers hypocritically failed to illuminate their vessel in rainbow colours or boycott bilateral exercises in protest at their host's policy of incarcerating homosexual sailors.
South Korean Naval officers ambushed by Royal Navy activists
Commodore Steve Moorhouse,the Commander of the United Kingdom's Carrier Strike Group,also failed to draw attention to the plight of homosexuals in the Republic of Korea's Navy by gluing himself to South Korean Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Boo Suk-Jong and Deputy Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Choi Sungmok (don’t ever be afraid to show off your true colours Steve).
It has not yet been confirmed if Her Majesty's Ship Queen Elizabeth shall in future blockade the Port of Newcastle,one of the world's largest coal exporting ports,as the flagship of an Extinction Rebellion direct action to save the planet from climate improvement.
HMS Glowworm before ramming Admiral Hipper
The United Kingdom is not the first country to allow it's navy to become politicised.
Naval officers who engage in political activism (attempting to impose one's opinions on others,who are by implication considered inferior) make themselves,and their service,legitimate political targets and we know how that ends.

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