
Monday 6 December 2010

The Words Of John Bellingham

"Recollect,Gentlemen,what was my situation.

Recollect that my family was ruined and myself destroyed,merely because it was Mr Perceval's pleasure that justice should not be granted;sheltering himself behind the imagined security of his station,and trampling upon law and right in the belief that no retribution could reach him.

I demand only my right,and not a favour;I demand what is the birthright and privilege of every Englishman.

Gentlemen,when a minister sets himself above the laws,as Mr Perceval did,he does it as his own personal risk.

If this were not so,the mere will of the minister would become the law,and what would then become of your liberties?

I trust that this serious lesson will operate as a warning to all future ministers,and that they will henceforth do the thing that is right,for if the upper ranks of society are permitted to act wrong with impunity,the inferior ramifications will soon become wholly corrupted.

Gentlemen, my life is in your hands,I rely confidently in your justice."


  1. This isn't something I was aware of, and haven't been able to find out much more except that it involved the only assassination of a British Prime Minister, in 1812.

    What was Bellingham's cause?

  2. Hello Chuck Hill,

    Bellingham has detained by the Russians for 5 years and blamed the Prime Minister for not getting him released.

    This is all connected in some way with a naval battle but I can't recall which at present.

